Foldable Rx Reading Glasses
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SKU SKU 14748
- Optical folding reader.
- Aspheric lenses.
- Including hard case.
- Power: +1.00 to +3.50
Excellent Discreet Glasses for Reading.
Practical Glasses made for people with tired eyesight or presbyopia. Glasses fully foldable in three parts to carry in a bag or a wallet, the advantage of these pre-prescription glasses is that they articulate from the temples to the front bridge, they are made of non-corrosive and durable metal, and the temples incorporate a flexible system. so that they can be opened safely without breaking them.
What is presbyopia or eyestrain?
Presbyopia or eyestrain is an ocular refractive defect due to the lack of elasticity of the lens, which is the natural lens of the eye that allows objects to be focused at different distances, that natural movement is called accommodation, very similar to the Zoom of a camera, in the case of young people, it interacts faster and adapts to the different reading distances and close work.